Dawson Creek in 009: tracklaying...

So it begins! Following assembly of a 'baseboard' if you can call it that, I've started track laying on the family Dawson Creek Yukon mining layout...
The baseboard has two thin 6mm sections laminated together. One is rectangular and forms the bottom of a 'box' the second is inset 6mm and has curved edges. This is the base of the scenery. A 6mm MDF box will be constructed to slot over the layout to protect it and make it easier to transport (although blooming heavy!). On top of this foundation a number of blocks were laid to support the track bed which is 12mm MDF for strength. This track bed has been sealed with paint on the surface and edges.
So I've made a start on laying the Shinohara H0n2.5 track. I am using this for the short radius electrofrog points. It seems well put together and fairly robust so far. I've fitted all the fish plates to the points and assembled the ladder of points for the station/shed/dock siding area. The flex-track is nice and supple and easy to form so I've also made a start on laying the first pieces along the gold creek section. I started by applying drops of superglue under the point sleepers and holding it in position. Once dry I added the track and secured sleepers along each piece with more superglue and weighed down with paint tins and the like to hold the formation. I prefer this to pinning as it keeps the sleepers intact - and can be removed later by sliding a knife under the track. It is held firmly in place when ballast is added.
Here you can see the ladder of track. This has worked well and shows how compact the little 150mm radius points are. I'll be using the Caboose Industries throws (seen in the photos) to hold the blades firmly in position. Finally here is a shot of the Davenport and side dump cars on the mainline next to the future creek - a promise of things to come... 
More soon...
