Restoring a station...

This station building was built 18 years ago by a young me, 16 years old, post GCSEs I built a small Hemyock inspired layout...
The track was laid and ballasted and I started the scenics including building an engine shed, water tank and this station building. Fast forward nearly twenty years and in search of inspiration for my UK based narrow gauge project and I found it at Mum's house in the train room, aka brick built outside shed. Despite being made from cardboard it had survived well, just the white microstrip had yellowed on the windows.
Therefore with a little restoration I thought it would suit the 'new' layout so I carefully removed the roof and peeled away the old acetate based windows. All it then took was some clear 10thou styrene and some micro strip to replace them. Once complete I re-attached the roof and repainted the doors barge boards with a pale brown. I also took the chance to weather the roof with a wash of Games Workshop paint, toned down with some mid grey spray paint. I can't wait to get it on 'the railway' at some point in the future.
Elly also painted her little line side hut she built for Bejsu Reka. Only a little touching up required, and she wants to weather it next! More soon...
