009 Feldbahn project: 2D and 3D...

Planning in both 2D and 3D is a good combination. As regular readers will gather I often use a sketchbook to jot down my ideas, but sometimes there is nothing like seeing the physical size of models in relation to one another...
So now a bit more on my feldbahn project. I am slowly developing a range of 4mm scale feldbahn products, and wanted a way of testing them as well as showcasing them on a decent model. The idea of using the flight case I have for Kistenfabrik sprung to mind so I got sketching and reckon I can fit a tight oval of track inside the box.
The layout will have a generic industrial building in the centre, with two sidings - one engine shed (see above, from a Wills garage - apologies for the cliche) and the second a generic unloading siding. As well as the lovely 3D printed skips (from Rick Mulder on Shapeways) I also will have some prototype EuroNG peat wagons (see bottom). The locos will be the EuroNG/Narrow Planet O&Ks and the LKM NS2 - along with a Deutz I've started work on as well.
The sketches show what I hope to achieve. I've plumped for N gauge set-track points - one modified so far is visible in the pictures above - these are right hand so the sketch and plan in the notebook is effectively reversed. The curved tracks will be done with a KB Scale rail bender and some prototype 'steel' sleepers I've had printed. Another future EuroNG product hopefully...
More soon...


  1. I used N-gauge set-track points on a layout some years back, and regretted it. They have a huge plastic frog which causes serious pick-up problems, especially with 4 wheel locos, which is all you are likely to run on a layout like this. I'd wait for the new peco 009 set-track points, manage with larger radius, or try building my own.


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