Planet Industrials: Hibberd taking shape...

Last year the forthcoming 'Planet Industrials' small standard gauge shunter I've been designing broke cover at Warley...

I've been working hard on the model and have recently completed a second prototype, adding much of the missing detail, confirming things like buffer position and more crucially, NEM coupler pocket height and securing the Tenshodo motor bogie.
The model is shown here, after initial assembly, with buffers and front coupling in place to confirm the etch and print adjustments had worked - pleased to say complete success...
The 3D print has been modified to include the coupling mounts, as well as additional details including the weights between the axles, exhaust and the chain tensioning block below the cab. I've also revised the etch to include cab footsteps and more detailed buffer beams.

The prototype is now being painted, seen here with a somewhat larger Alan Keef K40!
...and finally, here with the bodywork painted, awaiting the buffer beams and wheels to be painted before glazing and final weathering.
Pleasingly the motor bogie is a good performer, albeit quite light footed. On a Gaugemaster control a slow crawl is easily obtainable, although clean track will be vital! I've now designed some masters for weights behind each buffer beam to allow us to have white metal castings made for the production kit. We're hoping to release, through Narrow Planet this summer. More soon...

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  1. SPUDs are pretty good if tamed with plenty of weight and a quality controller. I hate to say it though, Narrow Planet has gone all fashionable with this loco!


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