Starting on the Schoema...

This evening I've made a start on my second 009 project, as means of a change from my G scale projects...
This is the Worsley Works scratch aid kit for the Isle of Man Schoema diesel. An odd prototype but I was drawn to it as an European styled prototype, something I found familiar from my usual G scale models...

Again I plan to use the Kato tram chassis so I sourced one through eBay, bringing the kit cost up to about £40. Very reasonable...

I started on the hood by adding the 12 louvred to the bonnet sides, carefully soldered on using plenty of flux and a low melt 145degC solder.
I have also modified the chassis to fit within the kits underframe. Potentially this gives room for a DCC chip and lighting, maybe even an N gauge sound setup but we'll see. This modification was done using a razor saw.

You may ask what's happened to Wasp? Well it's awaiting priming as I need to paint it before I fit the interior. I am looking into a good primer for etched brass. Recommendations welcome, please leave them as comments.
