White Pass drawings and Dad...

I've managed to track down some old copies of drawings of the two types of White Pass and Yukon diesels. 
These are from the 70s in US magazines I think, and I've scaled them to HO. The correct gauge should be 3ft, i.e. 3.5x3=10.5mm, but I'll look into using 009 bogies and wheelsets for any stock and modified N gauge chassis for the locomotives, running on 9mm track (about 2'8 scaled out).

It's nearly a year since my Dad passed away on the 10th January 2010, it's been a hard year. Dad had a long held interest in Canadian railways and the draw of the Yukon in particular. He never rode the railway, some might suggest he was a little 'tight', but he did pay for me and my brothers to ride from Skagway to the summit on a family holiday, the last family holiday actually, in 1999.


  1. I've just done some quick calculations, and I wonder about doing this in the non commercial 3mm scale. That means N gauge track is perfect and an Alco PA chassis is bang on for the locomotives. Hmmm food for thought.

  2. Hello! Would it be possible for you to share these drawings? I've got a similar desire to build, but in a much larger scale.




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