Porter in 009: lettered up...

Thanks to John at Precision Decals the DYMCO transfers arrived in super quick time so I've fitted the first side to the Koala Creek Porter I've been building for Dawson Creek...
This time I went for white, and asked John to do them with just one pass on his printer so they remained a little translucent, I didn't want them to be crisp crisp white.
These are carefully cut out and positioned using Micro-set, and once firmly pressed down I apply Micro-sol, leave for 15-20 seconds and then press down firmly again, being careful not to twist as I do this as it can damage the transfer. The Micro-sol softens the carrier film allowing it to virtually dissappear on the finished model. This process can be repeated a few times.
Here you can see it with the 'finished' Davenport, No.6. This has yellow lettering, and a slight difference in the 'Co' vs CO' lettering on purpose. I will add the second side this evening and then start weathering the Porter. Hopefully my Testors Dull-cote will arrive so they can be sealed before I get too much further... More soon...
