Pacer update - ready for the paint...

My P4 project, part of the RMWeb 2010 challenge is a model of Rose Hill, Marple. It's a toe dipping exercise in prototype observation - not 100% to scale (something more like 80% with the station building and pub) but with the definite intention of 'feeling right'. That means fantastic observation of prototype and artistic colouring.

The only rolling stock required (until Bachmann release a 150/1 in Northern Rail) was deemed to be a Pacer as I had one of the original Hornby ones to hand from my childhood. Over the past few months this has undergone a massive transformation (more details on RMWeb) but I reached 2 milestones today. 1) Ready for painting and 2) Ordering the custom decals from Precision Labels!

One thing I'm particularly pleased with is the underframe. I've not gone to the extent of massive rebuilding but with new front dams, beefed up suspension units and some judicious cutting of the box for the weight I've got something I'm happy with.

I'm also pretty pleased with the new exhaust pipes - the pipe at the bottom will be glued to the underframe rather than hanging down once the body is painted.

So now I just need to source some suitable paints!
