Colour quandary...

Now that the Wasp is looking more finished I've been pondering over what to do with Viking.

The prototype was initially lined Brunswick green, then lined Apple green on the IOM. Seeing my friend Tim's model of a Norwegian Beyer Peacock in lined maroon made me consider that, it would look lovely...
But now I'm pondering a more modern livery... Black chassis, red buffer beams with whit warning chevrons pn the edges and a plain blue body. You can see a touch of the blue around the base of the cab, I think this looks quite good against the austere green of Wasp.

I've also painted and fitted the Narrow Planet ( Baguley Drewery works plates to Wasp and these close ups show how effective they are as well as showing the defects in my wasp striping too, unfortunately! The patch up of yellow on the radiator end is less noticeable in the flesh.
