Forestry layout and Minitrains...

Well after an excellent time at ExpoNG I came away with another 4 timber stake wagons and a Krauss locomotive. So back at home I was eager to compare the size of the HOe locomotive with the 009 Krauss I am building...
It was as expected proportionally a lot smaller. This engine will be my daughters in the main so although I toyed with the idea of some drastic surgery I have decided against it for now and a light detailing and weathering will suffice, although I will replace the stack with a spark arrester version.
I have also glued the 4 walls of the shed together to get an idea of size of this HO kit against the 1:72 (yes bigger than 4mm) house, and I think I can get away with that as well.
Visiting ExpoNG and chatting with Tim on the long drive home has given me a renewed enthusiasm for the whole project so expect more soon...
