Forestry layout in 009: concept sketches

Last night I shared the news of a new layout project and hinted that I hadn't yet started sketching and playing with ideas to see how things might look...

I tend to work by doing some overall quite rough proof of concept sketches before more detailed pencil drawings so here are the first attempts hurriedly scribbled in Biro!

Notice the forest side uses fir trees whereas the station/depot side uses deciduous trees. Having studied photos and also the kits I have I have ditched the idea of including a station building at this stage due to lack of space but that might change. However I have included a gantry to unload wagons. 

Features I am excited about are the tunnel, the railway on a shelf between a rock face and the river, the small bridge, the track between the barn and railway and the way the roads disappear into the trees.

More soon...
