Fletcher Jennings in 009: named...

My scratch built Fletcher Jennings has been named and is nearly finished...

Now lined in crimson with orange black orange trim, named Rheneas, a little tongue in cheek but a potential crowd pleaser! I'm really chuffed how it's come out. If you'd like to see it close up then pop along to the Macclesfield exhibition at Tytherington high school on the 14/15th March.


  1. That looks lovely - really enjoying your 009 work. Makes me want to get back to 009!

  2. Thanks James, the Minitrains models are a real boom to the hobby, superbly engineered chassis for a reasonable price!

  3. Hi would it ever be possible to make this into a 3d printed kit? Thanks.

    1. Hi Harry, I'm afraid not. My UK outline modelling is very much my own and hence all scratch built.


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