Some old photos from Creech Bottom...
Whilst digging through old photo albums I came across these old Kodachrome snaps from Creech Bottom - my slide scanner is an old one so despite my best efforts at touching these up I couldn't correct the faded originals...
The mine where the LKM NS2 diesel could be found shunting the Hudson skips was taken in the early 1960s (sorry there was no date on the slide).
The mine where the LKM NS2 diesel could be found shunting the Hudson skips was taken in the early 1960s (sorry there was no date on the slide).
Significantly older, and what must count as a very early colour slide of the end of steam on the line, Rheneas is on the daily mixed train. As with the Southwold, the trucks were positioned wherever sensible for shunting and did not always go at the back of the train. Again no date, but despite the clean nature of the locomotive, this is likely to have been the early 1950s.
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