Hudswell in 009: first step of weathering...
I have added the first stage of weathering the Hudswell this evening...
This consisted of my usual blend of three enamels, Met53 (gunmetal), Matt33 (black) and Matt98 (chocolate). The first step was mixing a little 33 and 98 and then diluting this a little and washing over the side frames and foot plates. I also did this to the tank tops and boiler although increased the ratio of 98. I then applied 98 neat to the places where I wanted to indicate worn or chipped paint and let it dry a little before using a clean but moistened a with white spirit brush to drag vertically down as if rain water was streaking the rust into the paintwork. This was on the sides and buffer beams and has worked really well. Finally I dry brushed gunmetal on the smokebox and any edges where I expected to see worn metal (cab footsteps, tops of cylinders, edges of cab back sheet) and a little tiny dab on the rust patches.
Finally I added an oil can and bucket and then blended these in with 33/98.
Next up will be airbrushing. More soon...
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