Friday Update: Thirty-one One Twenty...

I've been a bit under the weather this week, starting the week with a head cold but pleased to say as I write this, just back from a good blast on the mountain bike around the hills here in the Dee Valley I'm feeling much better...

The weather and my mood has meant I've done less physical modelling this week, instead pressing on with some CAD design for future projects and products - more on that shortly. First though, I'll share some photos of the lovely Campagne Loco-tracteur in primer...
This model has real presence and now wired for sound is a lovely model again that I'm going to be sad to see go - the customer has now advised of the paint job, which will be a worn faded military grey, which I intend to use pre-shading techniques with to relieve what otherwise could be quite a dull livery. The roof will remain removable both for transit (to Australia!) and to allow the model to be run with or without it. Happy to build these sorts of large scale models for you, what have you always wanted? Get in touch for a no obligation proposal.
Also this week, in the large scale I've begun work on a cartoon engine! Yes, from the lovely sketches of Peter Barnfield I'm bringing this to life in 1/12 (Ish) scale as a battery RC model which will be fitted with sound. Since the photo was taken the firebox and side tank structures are also complete, next up will be detailing and adding rivets to this part of the structure whilst I ponder the best way of doing the cab!
I won't go on and on about it, but this week also saw the completion of my Hunslet 233hp diesel, featured in a video earlier in the week. I've designed some small etched axle nut covers that will form part of the Planet Industrials range later in the year, once they've been tested - the prototypes will be back in a few weeks so the Hunslet now languishes at the back of my desk looking pretty. I need to add these before I can really get stuck into weathering!
My workbench has been largely a computer desk this week though, as mentioned. The etch artwork for the 6point5 Manning Wardle was completed, this needed a few tweaks from the prototype I built earlier this month. I also drew up the etches for the Devonport Planet and the wheel axle nuts mentioned earlier, and have begun on the 3D CAD for the NCB style Barclay cab that I've been commissioned to work on - this will form part of the Planet Industrials range later in the year.
I also drew up the artwork for some industrial transfers - the set on the left will be in white, the set on the right in black. The photo above is low resolution to protect my design work, but you get the impression of what's included. A full detailed list of the sizes and wording will feature on the shop page once we've got them back from the transfer supplier. The white set will be circa £8 and the black set £7 delivered in the UK - prices will be set once I've confirmed the postage and packing cost. They should be online and available in February.

So all in all, a week of variety, and hopefully my health will improve as the light and temperatures do, I'm looking forward to a quiet weekend, might even get some personal model making done - along with some jobs around the house. Until next week, more soon...
