Crossing my mind…
As the days grow longer, the snow drops umbrella the daffodil shoots, the sky is blue and the sun is warm I can feel a little of the winter gloom lift from my heart… The changing of the seasons is a welcome improvement in my mental health but no cure. Life’s challenges, be they family or financial, continue to play heavy on my mind. From experience I know that anxiety leads to a production of adrenaline, over time to cortisol and beyond from depressed to depression. Managing my mental health at this stage of my life is not about counselling or pills - but recognition of the symptoms or feelings, an understanding of the causes and a gentle acceptance of taking things one day, one step, one moment at a time. Anxiety can be just below the surface and recognising the physical sensations that a flood of adrenaline brings I stepped out of the cycle last night… “I need to go and make something” I said to my partner, putting down my tablet, stopping scrolling… instead I switch on ‘Coalbri...