Coalbridge Street: Settling in…
Four long years ago I created this noodled 40ft boxcar from an old MDC kit in my childhood collection. It was the dawn of my interest in the Claremont and Concord, and I liked how it echoed the tooling age of the projects original 44t and created a link back through time… Coalbridge Street hasn’t progressed any further in recent weeks, but despite that I’ve enjoyed shuffling a car or two about - proving this simple track plan has enduring appeal. The layout is full with four items of rolling stock so I swapped the tank car for a third 40ft box and found this one at the back of the box. Despite its apparent lack of finesse, at least in in terms of detail I found the subtle faded paintwork suited the colours and shades of this slice of wintry New England beautifully. It’s also interesting and quite pleasing to find so many ways to enjoy photography in this small box. From stepped back wide angles to up close as you’d expect, but the 3/4 view down the layout works surprisingly well too, ...