Romanian Krauss in 009: 1 step forward 1 back...

Hmmm well mixed progress on the Krauss tank scratchbuild this evening. Fresh from finding a basis for a drawing in the Krauss Feldbahn R111c I discovered that I had built my version too wide...

I'd based mine on the width of a Resita at 27mm however the R111c works out narrower nearly 23mm. So out came the plasticard again and I fabricated new foot plate pieces and carefully separated the tanks and fitted them to the new footplate. I haven't yet done the cab back sheet but it looks to be more in proportion to the drawings and photos now. That was one step backwards...

I took a knife and razor saw to the front of the model and thinned down the cylinder block and chassis to match the prototype. The cylinders are no longer connected together so I will either glue these to the chassis or I shall add a piece of wire between them disguised as a conduit at a later date. Everything still seems secure enough though... One step forward...

More soon when I should be on with the can front and rear again!
