Commission: Baguley Drewry in 009...

Some years ago I built a model of the Vale of Rheidol's Baguley Drewry diesel, this was early days in 009 for me, and I had enjoyed building the Isle of Man 'Schoema' diesel, so it was a logical next step. It turned out into a nice engine, but was too big for my layout so I sold it on...
A customer whilst browsing my site saw the 'For Sale' advert (now a few years old) and enquired - and we came to an agreement about building a second one. This new version uses the custom etched parts I designed at the time (grill, and handrail knobs/slots) as well as improving on some of the detail with more finesse in the cab and chassis areas...
The model uses a Grafar 08 chassis, without modification - just the buffers removed. The side frames are carefully painted red, leaving the springs black like the prototype. The body is painted in a satin green with the handrails, window surrounds and roof picked out in relevant colours. This has now been sealed and slightly weathered awaiting windows and number / works plates.

If you're interested in your own custom build, please do get in touch - there is a contact form in the menu of my blog, or through a personal message on Facebook or one of the forums. More soon...
