Dalmunzie coach in 7/8ths: finished...

When I started out in 7/8ths I bought a Swift Sixteen flat wagon to gauge the size of the scale. As the Model-earth items began to be built the relative size of the SS flat got me thinking about building some sort of coach...
As I've said before, the Dalmunzie estate railway was a real inspiration behind some of the atmosphere I'm trying to recreate in the garden. The Motor Rail coach I built in 006.5 was upscaled and fitted perfectly on the chassis. Since it last appeared it has now been fully painted, chassis is black, wooden deck, black chair metal work, varnished seat slats and a satin brown paintwork to the coach ends.
The owner of the tramway sits at the front, his general manager, a thin spindly mean sort of chap sits behind... both figures from Model-earth.
The coach is quite narrow, as seen by this end on shot, this is the compromise by using the SS flat, and of course I'm running on 18" gauge, whereas the Dalmunzie used something nearer 2ft6in if I recall. The under frame and seat arms have been weathered by drybrushing with gun metal paint.
Here the finished coach is seen with the runner wagon and the Simplex in the mill siding, prior to finishing of the extension. More soon...
