Planet Industrials: Prototype nearly finished...

The prototype Hibberd Planet diesel shunter is nearly finished, I've decided on quite an austere livery, with black chassis relieved only by red buffer shanks...
The chassis wheels are also painted black, and I've begun the weathering (here you can see the buffer heads, and some where on the buffer beams. In terms of bodywork, the cab glazing has been fitted, very pleasingly flush thanks to the body design in this area. The driver has been posed at the controls and I've added windscreen wipers from cut down staples, so that they have a square section.
The model is pretty much ready for kit production now - so we've begun sourcing the various components we buy in to supply with such a model. Keep an eye on the Narrow Planet website for more updates. There is a video of it running, but that will be shared through NP soon.
More soon...
