Dyfrdwy Tramway: Awakening from winter...

It feels like it's been a long winter but as the weather begins to warm up, and we've had a few nice sunny days my mind has begun to wander back to the tramway and projects for the spring...
The Keef K40 has run a test train this week, and you can see that although the right of way is settling in nicely the walls and fencing need some remedial work, the pile of new stones on the wharf also show the intent of adding some sort of loading platform and more retaining walls along the back edge.
Up on the fenced section a few posts need replacing, but it's otherwise in reasonable nick - the idea of extending the fencing further up the line is in my mind at present, with perhaps some sort of 'cattle guarding' on and alongside the rails instead of a gate?
The walling here at the mill needs repairs, and will be extended a touch to support a water tank, planned for construction shortly...
...and up at the quarry there is some pruning required to tame the undergrowth ahead of the spring growing season. However, it's pleasing to note that the cement that encases the track has, on the large part, survived well and is beginning to green up and discolour nicely. It will be fun to watch the line evolve this year. More soon...
