Dyfrdwy Tramway: In shutdown...

Well the kids are off school so work has slowed to a snail pace but I have managed to play some trains in the garden as some sort of mental respite, I'm finding the mental stress and strain of the situation quite overwhelming, especially being self employed so these quiet moments lost in a miniature world are a real tonic...
The Hudson Hunslet is seen here with a train of gunpowder heading for the quarry one evening...
The following day I steamed up the Andrew Barclay, seen here also at the mill, the empty wagons in the foreground are finished slate 'container' wagons as the tramway operated an early form of containerisation...
...seen here later on the way up to the quarry with a pair of empty slab wagons.
Later on and a period switch, bringing us up to the noughties with a train of slate waste brought down from the old tips at the quarry for use in the construction industry in bulk bags. Hopefully in time the train will be strengthened to three wagons.
I hope everyone is bearing up ok - and that sharing these photos puts a few smiles on daces like it did for me playing trains for a short time. More soon...
