Hunslet 233hp in OO: weathered...

I've been meaning to weather this model for some time, but I'd been waiting for the axle nut covers to arrive before I could finish things off, suffice to say, after a wash, drybrush and airbrush it's finished...
It's been a fun model to work on over the past few months - and I've enjoyed working on a kit of someone else's design - it helps keep skills sharp and gives me ideas for when working on my own designs - Michael Edge's kits do seem to fall together if you've a few basic skills under your belt, and they reward careful finishing.
I'm a little dissappointed in the long bonnet front windows, I managed to get a little dirt on them when weathering, and when I removed it the glazing frosted up! I managed to clean them up, and then apply a little gloss varnish that took the whiteness back, but they're no longer quite as clear as they were... ho hum, lesson learned for next time.
Weathering followed my usual techniques, a wash followed by micro painting, dry brushing and then airbrush to tie the finish together. I'm really happy with the dried puddles on the footplate, they look exactly as I hoped. The subtle fuel staining on the tank filler also works well in the flesh.
The buffer beams are scraped and rusty, and the underframe has come to life out of the gloom with the application of some dirt. The handrails also have some rust spots and polish from use... the cab steps up to the doors are well worn, but those on the long bonnet less so, it's little touches like this that I love working into the finish.
As well as this, I've also finished off a few more Planet Industrials prototypes this week, so I am excited to share photos of them in the near future. Although this is my own model, I'm happy to give you a price for building one similar, or any other kit - as well as offering painting and weathering service on your existing models, contact me on the form here, Facebook or the various forums. In the meantime, more soon...


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