An O&K for Sandy Shores: ready for weathering...

If you remember a few months ago I started work on a Narrow Planet O&K for a friend...
Well it's nearly ready to go to it's new home - finished in lined green. The lining is a bit wobbly on one side in these extreme close-ups but it's barely noticable at a normal viewing distance, and once toned down and weathered it will look great. The plan is for a light weathering to represent a well cared for locomotive but used in active service every day.
To that end I will be drybrushing gun metal on the cab steps and handrails, and then the smokebox and cylinders. I'll apply a wash of matt black and chocolate to the underframe and footplate, and to the flat surfaces on the tank top, sand and steam domes. I'll then use the airbrush to add some dust and soot from above and road grime from below, which will tie the washes and dry brushing together.
More soon...
