La Meuse in 009: weathered...
The La Meuse is no exception. The finishing touch to the weathering was applying some airbrushed colour to the model. This built upon washes of chocolate already applied to the chassis an tank tops, and dry brushed gun-metal on the smokebox and some edges (e.g. handrails). The airbrushing was a dusty colour (leather) from above, a road grime (chocolate) from below, and then adding some soot (black) from above as well.
Keen eyed modellers will spot the valve gear has slipped a little - this needs correcting and re-securing with Loctite
Weathering a black loco can be hit or miss - I started with a satin finish, so that when I applied the dust and dirt, this was still visible through, especially on the cab and tank sides. I think it's worked really well and am VERY happy. Fundamentally though the praise for this model sits squarely at Neil Sayer's door - it's a wonderful model - that even I have managed to put together! I can't wait to get it in action on the French project. Next up though some glazing!
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