Romanian Krauss in 009: details details...

It seems to have been a while since I worked on the Krauss, and so with work on the 3D O&K slowing a little, I took the opportunity to start detailing my scratch build. A scour of the internet provided some decent side elevations so I've made a start...
Can you tell what I've done? I've added 3 brackets to the underside of each side tank, and then combined some low melt solder with plastic rod to represent the pipe that is used to link up to a river and the lift pump for refilling with water on the run.
On this side you can see the pipe section that goes into the stream. You can also see on this side that I've started on the electrical conduit that will link to the front light eventually. This is formed from 0.7mm brass rod and spaced out from the body to match photos using plastic strip. Obviously there is more to go on this, but if you compare with a photo from the start of this project you can see what I'm working on. More soon...
