A distraction in 009...
A long time ago I inherited a aluminium flight case. I've often pondered what to do with it but with renewed interest in 009 the last few years it's seemed a potential micro layout...
So without much further ado here she is so far! Recycled MDF base, left over track from Bejsu Reka, one Y point and you have a basic but interesting plan - the track is all flextrack and superglued in place. The buildings we're bought this time last year and have finally found a home on this East European factory layout.
Locos and stock are limited to small items from the Minitrains range but it's micro size means it can even travel with me on holidays. So far we have a Gmeinder and Deutz but a small LKM NS2 is also on the way plus my O&Ks. Power will be simple DC, two wires out the back of the layout. Isolation of the sidings will be via toggles fitted in the roof of the shed and disguised as vents! 
At this stage it shows some promise - the track will be embedded in sets outside the factory office, and concrete by the warehouse. There will be a tree and small park in the foreground to provide another visual block. The backscene will be industrial looking and there will also be an additional 'card' plug in backscene provided to add height. When exhibited, placing the layout ontop of the box will raise it's level. More soon...
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