Quintus in 009...

The Pikes tramway on Purbeck had a variety of locomotives but a regular performer was a Manning Wardle named Quintus...
The lines engines were all named in Latin for their number, so Quintus was the fifth loco on the 2ft8in line. My model is only 009, built in the Minitrains F&C chassis so it has been reduce a touch in length and height.
So far I have fettled the outside frames, added 10 thou overlays, fitted a footplate an buffer beams, mounted the modified cylinders on an angle and added a lower slide bar and brace. I have also added fluid lead to the front of the chassis to balance things out. Next up is the bodywork which will be Scratchbuilt in plasticard. More soon...


  1. That's a nice job James. Can you share a picture of the chassis prior to your outside frame work by any chance. I'm not quite sure what you have done as I'm not familiar with the FC chassis . Many thanks

  2. Thanks David - I'm not sure I do have a photo I'm afraid. This is what is initially comes as... http://www.minitrains.eu/sources/1001.jpg although you can get them from the 009 Society as just the loco chassis.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. James, is there a significant saving from buying just the chassis from the 009 Society? I may have to rejoin!


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