Finishing touches to two saddle tanks...

In a recent parcel from Steve at Narrow Planet with some other bits and pieces, were the works plates for my pair of saddle tanks, and name plates for the Hunslet...
The Bagnall is the prototype of the Narrow Planet kit and has been finished, at the moment, without a name in maroon with red lining (Fox) and lightly weathered. This engine is now just waiting on an oil can and jack, as well as a driver on the foot plate.

The Brian Madge Hunslet, painted in a browner maroon with white/red lining (Fox 2mm BR Mixed traffic without the black centre band) has been named 'No.4'. This is waiting on a lubricator (I need to scratchbuild), oil can and jack - and then some light weathering and a driver. I won't use the Brian Madge driver, but probably another Dapol figure as I prefer their size and fidelity compared to the white metal figure provided. I could also do with adding some black foam underneath the boiler to hide the gap infront of the motor.

More soon...
