Beer and figure painting...

I'm away on business at the moment but I packed my new Games Workshop paints and Dapol figures...
I've painted the figures for the O+K (pair on the left) and Sand Hutton Hunslet (right), I did say I'd document how I did these but that will have to wait but for now I'll document the paints. The 'layers' I have are white (White Scar), flesh (Kislev Flesh), brown (Baneblade Brown), blue (Russ Grey), dark grey (Skavenblight Dinge) and the 'shades', flesh (Reikland Fleshshade), brown (Agrax Earthshade) and black (Nuln Oil).
I'm pretty pleased with how they've turned it and am enjoying working with a different stream of the hobby and the refreshing speed of the Games Workshop acrylics. More soon...
