Sand Hutton Hunslet: spectacles...

As well as the details for the Polish LAS I had Steve etch me some parts for the Sand Hutton Hunslet I've been scratch building...
Here you can see I've fitted the spectacle frames and they've really finished off the locomotives face. On the same etch I also have number and works plates to be fitted after painting. More soon...


  1. James:
    Very impressive modelling you are doing. Particularly as the scale is on the small side - at least compared to the scale I build in. I have been wondering how you do your artwork for etching and how you get stuff etched. I have a small task (port holes for my oil loco) that would probably be solved well with etching, but have no clue how to do it. If you have the time, I would appreciate your input.

    Best regards

  2. Hi Claus - thank you.
    Etching is not too difficult to work with - I draw my artwork using iDraw on the Mac, although there are plenty of free alternatives - the main think is to work in a vector graphics package with the ability to export to PDF and use layers.
    You basically draw the components to scale - where you leave 'white' on the drawing will be protected, and where it's black it will etch. Etching effects both sides of the metal, front and back, so you can produce half etched details in this way. I send my artwork to Steve at Narrow Planet (orders at for etching as he puts together bigger orders as part of his nameplate business - I'm sure if you're only after a few bits and can draw up on paper what you want, with dimensions, he could do the artwork as well.

    However I do enjoy working on the design myself - even though Steve might be quicker. There is something quite satisfying about seeing your own product come together - as with the O&K kit I'm developing all myself.

    If you want to get in touch then join up on the NGRM forum and send me PM and we can exchange email addresses.



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