Pont-y-dulais: Shed and crossing...

I've not done much on Pont-y-dulais for a few weeks, it's good to have a break from projects but I am keen to push it forwards as it's so close to being 'finished' and will form such a good back drop for Planet Industrials photos...

The left hand end and crossing although scenic'd just didn't feel right, and even adding some more greenery hadn't improved matters. I decided some distant hills on the horizon might help, especially where the scenery dropped away for the road and the railway. I found a photo near Mountain Ash on Gordon Edgar's Flickr and cropped out some hills for re-use - pretty effective I think.

On shed, I've been working on a few more details - the downpipes was added, broken of course, and with some green staining on the wall. This is just styrene tube with micro-strip for the brackets. I also added some soot above the door, but not too much, as this seemed to vary a lot on industrial sheds.

Inside the shed I added some Health and Safety posters, as well as posters about the miners strike, which might be a bit late in period, but are so small you can't really tell what they are anyway. The finished result is a nicely detailed but not cliche'd view through the doors, I think, especially with the forthcoming Planet Industrials lockers.

The Peckett should receive some weathering once the works plates arrive this week, the crew figure is a Modelu figure, with a NCB from the Planet Industrials transfers sheet on his donkey jacket. The view down from the railway bridge is promising, but I still need to add a point lever, and some clutter around the hut, as well as perhaps a little more undergrowth here... a few weeks and she should be complete I reckon. A relaxing way to spend the weekend, and hopefully goes to show how you can add detail to an existing layout, or extend one in sections. It would not be difficult to imagine my own micro being extended both ends in the future, if it weren't for it's space constrained location. That's a blessing, as it's always ready to be used or played with, and a curse, as it limits extension. Hey ho, make the most of what you have to play with. More soon...
