Gerald Road - the worst is behind me…
There are two stages of layout building, no matter the size, that I will always dislike. The casework and wiring! I find that once these are overcome I can relax and enjoy the more creative tasks that follow…
That said Gerald Road was hardly taxing - a feed to each rail and some sockets. Again it follows my cameo wiring scheme - a 12v DV supply is fed to the LED lighting (in the lid, and on a plug/socket to allow easy removal) as well as the controller socket (in place of the 16v AC). The track power comes from this socket, feeds both tracks and then has a flying lead to connect to the Paxton Road fiddle stick.
This sounds easy (and it was, less than an hour and it was all done) but the relief now to see the layout with lighting and run a train is palpable. The 03 crawling along the sidings, hidden and revealed by the warehouse and pub, parked up in the yard. Imagining the rest of the scene, painting it all in my mind. I can see this model, I can feel it…
So now it works, I can move forwards once more… Road surface and yard next, rear warehouse (that goes at the back of the yard) and a backscene. Then we’ll take stock once more, but until then, I must get some weathering on D2112 (I repainted from the Kernow NSE bargain, circa 1992) and the Revolution PFAs that arrived recently. Until next time, more soon…
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