On this day 1984…

26010 is seen on arrival at Lochdubh with the 2K02 06:55 departure from Inverness. It was a warm day too, if I recall, the Walls sign advertising my first ice cream of the year…

Lochdubh is a Time Machine, it is also an escape; at the flick of the switch the lights come on and the layout is bathed in warm sunshine. Gazing upon its familiar and comforting forms I sense a change in myself too…

For Lochdubh is not just a model railway. It is a soothing salve, a balm. A moments gaze calming the breath and slowing the pulse. Becoming present in myself. 
Other layouts that share the space are for more mindful, ten minute tactile operation. Others are immersive escapes for a longer period. Lochdubh is just a wonderful place to visit. 
Between times I shuffle around the stock that sits here, and move it around the layout by hand. The scene doesn’t change but the actors do - keeping it fresh, and also fuelling a day dream for a larger layout.

26010 is finished - I shall write about her genesis another time. For now, she has joined the cast and I’ve been enjoying seeing her at the stops, remembering our cab experience before Christmas and excited about seeing her again in the valley this year. 

Modelling is slow at present, and commissions are large and all in progress - so the day to day blog has taken on a more reflective N scale angle - of which I’m aware yet unapologetic. Thank you, as always for stopping by to read and reflect, engage and ponder. Until next time, more soon…

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  1. Hi Jim,
    could you please specify the types of the coaches?
    Thx a lot,

    1. The coaches? Mk1s from Farish. A corridor brake composite (BCK) and a second corridor (SK).


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