Mosslanda: Denton Road - Structural progress…

When I first dreamt up 'Urban Grit' on the return journey from a weekend away in Durham I was re-tracing my steps from 25 years prior at university...

The layout that has emerged has of course evolved the composition but sat playing with it this weekend, shuffling the Pacer in and out of the station - trying out some of my other DMUs and Sprinters it has settled in, almost by accident, to the late 1990s.

Of course it remains my intention that it is both flexible in location and period - only the liveries and rolling stock betray these details - a canvas to tell my own story, but one that could resonate with you too?

This collection of photos show how things have moved on from those card mockups and as of last night, pretty much all the main structural elements are finished - which is a major milestone on this small but involved hi-fi micro cameo. From raw white cardboard to pre-coloured styrene the next stage is to detail up the elements that haven't had the glancing brush with finesse - along with adding the cable trunking and pipework along the right of way... all this before painting.

I think that even in this naked raw state there are signs of promise in the vignettes and character I've woven together in the variety of architecture, the light and dark and the vertical height in such a small space. I'm excited to see how the story develops and matures - but for now, until next time, more soon...

Previous 'episodes' of Denton Road can be found by using the 'Labels' below.

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  1. The 'TO LET' sign is a nice touch, a small detail but one that just seems right.

  2. I'm loving that early promise of atmosphere and evocative scenes! Great progress so far.

    1. Thank you, I’m really happy with how much has been fitted into such a small space!

  3. James the early stages of your build is looking great. I like the sharp lines of the bridge structure and the flats in the background. I agree with Paul B the To Let sign is a nice touch.


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