Hudswell in 009: rebuilt cab...

Some of you may remember I bought a Narrow Planet Hudswell Clarke at ExpoNG in October and wondered what happened to it...
Well, it had a tumble from my spray booth and 'seperated' into a few pieces!
Now re-assembled, I have takenthe opportunity to modify the cab rear to better represent a sugar plantation locomotive and modelled it with the spectacle plate cut out. Once a crew is added this will be barely noticable...
A few things left to do (add a new rear light, and conduit - and fabricate a cab step as one of them snapped off) and then I can get a final coat of primer on it and start painting.
The question is do I stick with my original intention of lined maroon with wasp striped buffer beams, or go for a more 'Sezela' style South African colour scheme with green tanks, black cab and frames and wasp striped buffer beams... More soon...
