Sirdar in 009: details

Sirdar has taken a big step forwards tonight with the starting of the detailing work...
The first step was to add the beading to the tanks and cab, added in styrene, as well as the roof (top and underneath). This is from various sections of plastic 'micro-strip' sold by Slaters. The cab roof supports are 0.7mm brass wire.
Moving onto the boiler, the sand pipes were added in 0.7mm brass rod, and a sand dome actuator from micro-strip. The safety valve is a white metal casting from the 'bits' box. The ejector (I think?) pipe from the smokebox to the cab is 0.4mm brass wire.
The couplings are RT Models white metal 'Penrhyn' style - I prefer these to the brass as they are easier to work with. The smokebox door has a hinge and strapping added from plastic section.
Still to do - adding the smokebox dart, handbrake and actuator, lid to the sand box, clack valves and lubricators, cab steps and then the rivet transfers... More soon...
