Sirdar in 009: side tanks...

With the arrival of my new G-scale O&K 20hp locomotive at the weekend I've not worked on Sirdar since last week...
This evening I set to work on the side tanks. The basic shape had already been cut out from 30 thou styrene, so tonight I added fronts, coal bunkers, tops to the water tank section and also a back to the water section so that I could add fluid lead over the driving wheels. I've not added this in the coal bunkers as this is too far over the rear wheels.
It's starting to look like a Sirdar now - especially in side profile. Next up is some detail and the cab front spectacle plate before forming the steam dome and sand dome. I've still got an issue with sourcing an appropriate chimney despite some help from Steve and Chris (cheers chaps) so if anyone has any other ideas...
More soon...
