The Ballard and Wantage SW1...

It's happened before, and no doubt will happen again; where a layout scheme spawns a locomotive project. I love creating actors, the lead characters in our imaginations and especially when working from an older, less detailed model...

The latest project (by happy accident) is this EMD SW1 created using a Walthers Mainline donor model with Keyser Valley models etched detail parts along with home-made wire handrails re-using the original plastic stanchions. I previously shared the model in the bare, well here she is after a few weeks in the paint shop and following pre-shading, pin washes, colour washes, dry brushing, micro painting and airbrushing.

Of course the Ballard and Wantage is the product of another Hilton Mears conversation that led to the Prototype Parallels post. As with the HMLX GE 44t she will see occasional use on Beaverbrook - so although her own layout may never see the light of day I will enjoy re-imagining the blank canvas as New England. Perhaps in time she will visit other railways, on hire or loan. For now, I've enjoyed breathing new life in to the old tooling, designing and creating my own custom decals for this finish and applying a complex but rewarding weathering process. Perhaps I can get back to the BC Rail CRS20 now! Until next time, more soon...

I love writing and creating material for the blog. If you enjoy what you read and engage with I would be appreciative of any donation, large or small, to help me keep it advert and restriction free.


  1. I find your modeling, layouts, and layout conceptualizing both entertaining and inspiring. Keep up the great work!

    1. Thank you John, that is very kind. Of course I enjoy all of those elements, as well as sharing it with you all.


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