That was then…

Our working day was enriched and punctuated by conversation. Building relationships with customers and amongst our own crew was vital to our survival…

Living on our reputation of delivering, being flexible, a real partner in our customer’s business meant stopping to chat was as much part of the job as hitching up that next load…

This cameo on a cameo is now possible thanks to Alan and his team at Modelu working up a new range of North American figures. These were pre-production samples that I checked and tested, and now can share more widely. The rule of threes means that this gathering seems balanced, posed upon Kinross with my favourite Claremont and Concord 44t. Until next time, more soon…


  1. It occurs to me that "Living on our reputation of delivering, being flexible, a real partner in our customer’s business meant stopping to chat was as much part of the job" applies just as much to the way you conduct your own business creating limited run and bespoke model railway projects.

    1. Thank you Colin, that’s a very kind reflection. I suppose in a small way that’s right. I’m selling ‘me’ and my way of doing and thinking here, in my commissions, in my kits and now in my book.


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