East Works: baseboards...

East Works is my new 009 project, something I've committed to attend ExpoNG with and a follow up to my first 009 project - Creech Bottom, which was a surprising hit with other narrow gauge modellers...

This time, I'm sticking with Purbeck and am inspired by Fayle's tramway in particular the 'east works' at Norden. The line here reversed and trains from the mines to the west of the LSWR branch crossed over before reversing to the milling sheds. This was the old tramway formation to Goathorn. There was also a small engine shed here - and my intention is to capture some of the character of the line in the post war period, set between 1948 and 1952.
I've gone for a Rice inspired, glued ply frame with MDF trackbed, with the idea that this will be stiff and light. A separate 'roof' and lighting rig will also be fitted. The line will exit at the back right into a small area that I intend to use for cassettes. This means the whole thing can be front operated - that's the plan anyway. I've got point motors and a walk about controller to allow this - and will intend to use Greenwich couplings for shunting with magnetic uncoupling.
Things have moved on a touch since these were taken - and I must dig out and scan the sketches I've got that show what I'm planning to achieve. More soon...
