Janus goes green...

My first birthday impulse buy has been stripped and dismantled already!
The model is largely pushed together, the handrails just pulling out, the body unclipping from the chassis which the motor and drive is just screwed into - this reveals a lovely well detailed model with careful thought on assembly. I notice there is a spare shaft on the motor too so I may add a second flywheel.
Once stripped the buffer beams were masked to retain the wasp striping and the model sprayed in my favourite colour, Humbrol 131 mid green. Once this has thoroughly dried I will pick out details before re-assebly and some weathering. I'm still unsure whether to repaint the garish yellow wheels in black - I think I probably will, and then plan to fit Kadees to it can do some work on the shunting plank. Etched plates on order from Narrow Planet now, and a name 'Idris' too.

Although this is one of my own models I am happy to do similar work on your own RTR items - do contact me for renumbering, repainting, weathering or detailing work. More soon...
