Mollington Road: More ground work...

I've had the chance to do more work on Mollington Road this weekend, which has been focused on the ground cover and textures of the landscape before I begin work on the last two buildings...
The first step was to add some static grass as a foundation to further scenic work. To prepare the ground some emulsion paint was first applied, sprinkled with dry dirt from outside and when dry further emulsion stippled over the top. On top of this Green Scenes 'scenic cement' was brushed into place where I wanted the grass to stick, which was deliberately a bit scrubby to leave gaps through to bare earth.
Green Scenes 2mm fibres (summer and autumn green mixed randomly) were applied with just a puffer bottle, perfect for this size of layout and length of fibre. When dry I added some extra grass using Peco scenic cement spray. I teased out some postiche, like Gordon Gravett recommends, added a touch more scenic cement spray and then applied this to the ground, adding a bit more spray and then sprinkling with some scatter...
This seemed to work quite nicely, so I added a few more areas, this front side of the track (behind is just loose whilst I was testing colours. I found that adding some Woodland Scenics burnt grass foliage under the scatter also added a little relief.
This greening up made me realise I probably should finish off the concrete area of the yard before going any further. I used Humbrol 64 and 110 and dusted with yet more talc...
 ...before adding some darker and lighter patches. These were stippled on through a mask, cut from some card, and then more talc added. When it all dried I used a pencil to add edges to these, and to draw in some panel lines between cast sections.
Finally, a touch of glue along the edges in places, and adding some more static grass with the puffer bottle. Here the Planet Industrials Sentinel, which still needs some airbrushed dirt adding, is posed on the yard, showing the potential of the micro again... mind, I'll need to add a removable back to the shed, otherwise it may be lit up like this, unrealistically from inside...
It's been a good weekend for progress, and with home schooling making work progress very slow I may well end up finding more time for it this week as well. I hope everyone is well, STAY HOME and stay safe, more soon...
