Mollington Road: No trains...

The thing about micro layouts is often they're a little limited on scenic depth. However, by working with nearer squares rather than the more usual longer rectangles, I hope in my previous micro layouts, especially in 006.5, I've shown you can get real atmosphere in a very small space. Mollington Road uses the same under bed blanket box storage container as both Vowchurch and Creech Grange, and I'm really pleasantly surprised at how much there is in such a small space...
This shot, along the road from the head shunt in the track plan looking towards the rail served yard shows real promise despite unfinished surfaces everywhere. This weekend I focused on painting the brick buildings that needed embedding in the road, so the office on the left and the surgery on the right are now 'finished' and bedded in with plaster. Still to add a detailed roof and gutters to both...
I've also been playing with other scenic details, you can see the concrete panel fence beyond the surgery in the above photos, which works well but may need finer barbed wire - along with the sign on the warehouse by the transit, see above. This is just paper, to check it's size, there is a typo too, but the real one will be a transfer, and I plan to do a sheet of similar signs for industrial modellers in the Planet Industrials range. This week I plan to move on to the road surface, and then once that's done I can make progress with the other ground cover. More soon...
