NBL Shunter: Ready for weathering...

The North British shunter has seen big progress in the past week, it's been one of the projects I've managed to focus and despite frequent interruptions it's the sort of thing you can just do one job on each time...
It was primed and then painted maroon with a chocolate brown chassis before the roof was painted grey, the buffer beams yellow with black wasp stripes and the red coupling rods. Gloss paint was used so that I could then easily apply the custom HICC transfers I had made - these are in a lovely buff colour, and inspired by the BICC Prescot example. What does HICC stand for? Who knows! It could be Hilton International China Clay, Hilton Imperial Chemical Corporation, Hilton Integrated Cable Company... the list goes on... it's lovely runner and I wanted to be able to use it on whatever industrial projects I have in the future.
The glazing was very fiddly, I had scored the glazing from the etches, so it would be totally flush, but trying to fit it took a lot of patience, the result speaks for itself though, pleased I persevered. I did notice I'd not fitted the sand pipes in these photos, so they have since been fitted.
Next up the model needs weathering, nothing too heavy, but something to bring it to life with luck. Watch this space, more soon....
