Pont-y-dulais, September 1999…

Often a glance over the parapet at Pont-y-dulais is rewarded with just a glimpse of empty weed ridden tracks…
However on this occasion I was rewarded with a glimpse of the Planet Industrials Sentinel, waiting to shunt the newly arrived vans to the chemical works.

EWS’s Enterprise network provided wagon load distribution which suited the output of the works especially given the volatile and dangerous nature of some of its products. It was the run down of this service in the early 2000s that in part led to the closure of the works as well as the site at Severnbank

Of course, this is another flight of fancy, the Sentinel is a modified, detailed and repainted Hornby model, the vans are lightly detailed and weathered Bachmann models. If you’d like me to create your own back story and layout concept, or just rework a model, get in touch for a personal proposal. Until next time, more soon…
