Hilton and Mears: Firing up the bank...

I could be here...


where engines breathe clouds and spring’s rain pushes back winter’s covers,

waking us to this new day and forcing slender slips of rail to breach their safe bed of earth, 

and be cradled by this sun.

I came to see the past but this is now my present.

These things have been here all my life and yet I spend my life here collecting different parts of the same memory for a future day that will need me to withdraw this feeling.

No longer am I outside this.

Having models like these, of my hand and now actually, literally, of my hands invites a few more places around which my imagination can collect in calm pools of feelings.

Today's post comes to you courtesy of Hilton and Mears - for more take a look at the label, thanks to Chris for the words to accompany my imagery. Locomotive is the Planet Industrials Victory, crew is 'mini me', layout is recent commission 'Shades of Mountain Ash'. Until next time, more soon...

I love writing and creating material for the blog. If you enjoy what you read and engage with I would be appreciative of any donation, large or small, to help me keep it advert and restriction free.
