Friday Update: Seventeen One Twenty-five…

A game of two halves here in North Wales, warmer yet it didn’t feel it but dry enough to get out with the dogs every day - both snoozing now waiting for a walk whilst I write to you all here this morning…

It has been a nice blend of customer and personal modelling too - as we’ll see - but also progress on printed projects and thoughts on new ones. Grab yourself a drink and biscuit and settle down, I’ll do my best to guide us through this photo diary.

At the Warmers NEC exhibition a good modelling friend kindly dropped off a box of goodies - thanks Simon. He’d found some old TPM kits, some Farish HEA mouldings and a new Bach-far TTA and offered them to a new home. I promised I’d make good use of them!

Last year the HEAs helped show how good Will’s new ones were - but the VBA and TTA needed assembly / refinishing. It is excited to show them here today, re-finished and every bit part of the home fleet. The van uses a TPM body on a Farish chassis with the Farish roof, and was painted using Humbrol enamels. Decals aren’t specific but chosen to be representative from the collection. Gentle weathering has brought out the subtle detail which is every bit as good as the original Poole Farish VAA - itself one of the better models in the old range. The fact that it stands muster next to the TTA is testament to the tool makers…  The TTA was missing its couplings which was no problem for me - but decorated in the old Esso scheme as a pre-TOPS vacuum fitted example. I removed the markings and then patch painted the tank in deliberately mis-matching shades. Some TOPS and Hazchem panels came from the N Gauge Society decals for their chemical tank kit. Gentle weathering and careful vertical washes produce a worn but not filthy appearance. DG couplings finish off both wagons and they have entered the Paxton Road fleet - valued not only because of the hours of work in their finish, the story I want them to tell embued in the shades and details - but because they were a kind gift from a friend - a hobby improved by sharing.

As in the title image the headline news this week is the trio of 16mm Hudson GoGo tractors are ready for primer. It has been a month or so since we last saw them where basically you were looking at chassis with a cut down die cast tractor glued on! Building up the bodywork takes time and care - the subtle variations between each feel as important as a neat finish. I have run out of Cambrian rivets so jewel art has been a good stand in - originally purchased for HO scale ditch lights! 

I have one more batch of these planned for later this year and then I’m calling time on them - if you’re interested then drop me an email to discuss pricing and approximate timescales.


The game of two halves - the bench, and the laptop… in very exciting news I can report that the Small Layout Design Construction book is with good friend James for proof reading. A prevailing wind should see this go to print next month and a launch in March. As if that wasn’t enough, the second Model Railway Companion is on the home straight! I have 90% of the material in place and Simon (not the same Simon!) and I hope to print around Easter.

We’re hoping to make both ‘launches’ a bit of an event. No dates yet, but the plan is to use Simon’s bookshop ‘The Titfield Thunderbolt’ as a venue for a book signing and exhibition of my layouts for the launch of the Construction book - if that goes well we’ll do something similar for the Companion. Would you be interested?

Moving beyond I’ve a few ideas for events I’d like to organise… chief amongst them a Model Railway Retreat here in the Dee Valley. I’m wrestling with how to structure and price such an event - but it could be just a day, with option of joining us for an evening meal and staying in a hotel - or it could be a two day event with events from Friday evening to the Sunday. Gentle mindful modelling workshops, hands on tuition from me, no fixed ideas on structure or content - working on what you would like to focus upon. Small groups (4-5) of like minded individuals, lunch and coffee provided, a train ride on the railway, drinks/social time to build friendships with the group… would something like this appeal? Let me know…

Back in the workshop progress on Coalbridge Street and Denton Road has ground to a halt. I often find that after a day working I’ve not got the mental energy to work on the structures required for both projects. As a result they continue to delight in their form, excite with their promise - but look the same! Coalbridge Street above has hosted some modern HMLX stock for a bit of fun this week showing once more what a flexible backdrop it is going to be!

The Coventry Rail Works HEA wagons were painted last year but I wasn’t sure how I was going to arrange and use them - in terms of couplings. I’ve since made a decision - 3 fixed rakes of 3 and a spare. That means less DG couplings (which is good because they’re sold out again!) but how to couple within the rake… I assembled and trialled some Microtrains knuckles without magnetic pins but their quite chunky in side profile… digging through the parts box I came across my 4mm scale couplings - would some 3 links work? These are Smiths ‘fine’ loops assembled into threes and for now, superglued in place. The flexibility in the middle loop seems sufficient for my needs and their planned layout is pretty straight - although they would go around a large radius corner. I will try to finesse their fitting for the other two sets! Each end will receive DG, so the ‘spare’ was fitted with these to check fit and height. Next up? No excuse, they need weathering!

So what will next week hold? The 7/8ths Ruston 44/48 are in mind, plus I’ve some etched brass kits I need to make a start on - however I’m still taking commissions and if you have a project, big or small, I’d love to hear from you. 

The weekend beckons - and hopefully a little quieter on the ‘Dad Taxi’ front and a chance to do some modelling will allow progress on Denton Road or Coalbridge Street! Certainly time to enjoy dogs, sofas and a good book. Wherever you are, I hope you can indulge your hobby too and until next time, more soon…

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  1. Hi James, the VBA and TTA look amazing!
    I'm particularly struck by the subtlety of your patch painting on the TTA, it repays a closer look, even at several times the size of the model. It's come a long way since being rescued from a dusty shelf in a West London model shop...
    I'd be interested in book launches at Bath, the Retreat idea also appeals.

    1. Thanks Simon! I’m pleased I think they’ve been suitably transformed, kindness warranted extra care and attention.

      Bath yes, that will definitely happen, watch this space…
      Retreat, more difficult because it has to be worth my time, but affordable!

  2. Once again a great teabreak read. Thank you James. I'm leaving oking forward to the book launch and the retreat sounds like a great idea assuming you can make it viable. From my perspective a two day event would be preferable so as to break up the travelling a bit.

    1. Thanks Phil - presume predictive text struck a bit there, but I get the gist. Noted RE the retreat. I'm still wrestling with how to make the 'retreat' viable in terms of my time and yet still affordable for those attending!

  3. Loving the Fordson GoGos. I also spy a familiar-looking Type 2 taking shape in 1980's configuration!

    1. Thanks Terry! Indeed, 26010 is waiting glazing.

  4. Hi James

    Hope it is a little warmer in Wales and dryer as well

    Another interesting week and certainly a case of "little and very large" on the work bench.

    As always I am drawn to your north American modelling and the proliferation of lease units at work. All looks very realistic to my eyes .

    The recent videos of Paxton Road shows the your atmospheric modelling and how far detailing and running qualities in "N" have come in recent years . That augers well for my dabble into 009 .

    Two new books must be very exciting for you and for us your readers - hope you will put me down for both when they come out.

    The idea of a "modelling retreat" is also interesting if you can make it work for you

    Have a good weekend

    Best regards

    1. Hello Alan - yes a busy week. Thanks for the thoughts and feedback.

  5. Hi James,

    Very interested (And surprised, in a good way!) to see the small layout construction book, and the intended release month. A definite order from me, even though like many I already have a 'to read' stack high enough to be a coffee table!

    1. Thanks Rob - you'll hear all the news here first.

  6. Looking forward to the new books James! I will try and get to Bath for the book launch. Take care.

    1. Thanks Tom, me too, and as they get closer I get more frustrated with the last stages of production!

  7. Enjoyed reading all the things you have been busy with James. The TTA wagons looks great and those Hudsons do look the part.
    I will look forward to the two new books being launched as I can't wait to purchase them. Enjoy your Sunday.

    1. Thank you Kevin - these Friday updates are perennially popular! You’ll hear about the books progress here first. The TTA turned out well, but it did go through the bit unfamiliar disaster phase! Happily these errors become positives in the overall finish, and I can’t even tell - as it forms the foundation for the completed work.


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