Scottish headlights…

When I built 37035 the one detail I neglected to add was the Scottish ‘car headlight’, added by both Eastfield and Inverness to 37s (and some 26s) before the introduction of the ‘sealed beam’ square box to improve visibility for the driver as well as making the locomotives easier to spot on level crossings. However, with the latest project, 37025, it felt an important part of its character…

I am modelling the late spring of 1984. Quite specific I realise, and unlike my usual approach to modelling projects. In that period I can mix both 26 and 37, large logo and plain blues. 37025 was an early recipient of the livery - and I will share its genesis when she’s finished. Today, I’m talking details. Today I’m talking these headlights. 

Officer's special
Photo ‘jjm2009’ embedded from Flickr (

West Coast Models offer a tiny 3D printed one - I had been wary of using these in the past, they’re a touch over scale and very fiddly - I’ll be honest though, I knew I couldn’t do anything finer, so I bought a set for ‘evaluation’ purposes. 

The ‘lens’ was painted silver, the rim and rear were painted matt black. Once dry a dab of ‘glue-n-glaze’ was added to the lens and allowed to dry clear. A second application gave the slight domed effect.

Removing them from the small sprue for fitting was fraught with difficulty - they’re 3D printed in quite a brittle resin and I needed to trim them a touch to get them to sit neatly without drilling a mounting hole - one was sacrificed to the carpet monster but the other pair found their way to each end of my 37,

Posed hear on Lochdubh, painfully clean and a brutal honest shot, there is some way to go to bring this thing to life but the headlight, I think considering the small scale is more than acceptable, it’s a key part of recreating the face. Until next time, more soon…

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  1. Does make the face look right.

    1. Yes - worth the effort (and the head magnification!)

  2. Always loved the look of the 37 in the large logo livery. It's perfect!

    1. Thank you - just plucking up the courage to dirty her up!

  3. The 37 in the large logo looks fantastic James.

    1. Thanks Kevin - more to come. I really really must stop finding things to do instead of weathering it!


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