Friday Update: Thirty-one One Twenty-five…

Yuck, cold and damp here this week - that’s your MET office update! The workshop has been almost unbearably cold at times but lots of little progress on a wide range of commissions has been made, and a good number have left for their homes already…

The big news this week is Model Railway Companion is ‘complete’ and has gone for proof reading. 80 more pages of modelling inspiration from around the world. I’m really excited to see how the second is received, and the energy behind doing a third perhaps later this year!? This could easily be a bi-annual if the market wants such a product - it’s good fun putting together but you would not imagine the difficult job of tracking down and curating content. Perhaps at some point material will come to me but at the moment it’s a case I’d tracking down modellers and artists and persuading them to get involved. I can’t wait to get a publishing date for you all…

A smaller job this week has been the repair and fettling of the Class 08 chassis under this customers NGG16. Another commission modeller had fitted the RT valve gear but made a few mistakes in the assembly process. Having done many of these I have repaired this - as well as the damaged pickups. There is still very little cross head coupling pin clearance due to a mistake but she runs smoothly after a tune up here - I’m happy to offer jobs large and small, repairs and remediation as well as complete new build. Get in touch if you think I can help with something. 

I took advantage of the Rails sale and picked up a Heljan 25 for just £99. Sadly this isn’t a story with a happy ending and will leave for refund today in the post. The dreams of an Irish/British small exhibition layout (I’d noticed the Irish A and 141 are similar to the Bachmann 24 - and the wagons are the same length and similar types) were almost dashed before I decided that a Bachmann 25 for just £59 notes more from the Class 37 loco group sales was probably a sensible middle ground - due early next week. Alongside the 25 a rake of Accurascale 16t, a Rapido CXV gunpowder van and a BR 21t brake van might give you the impression of what we’re aiming for - and talking with friend Steve (LRS) we have been exploring ideas on presentation of such a scheme. Do I need anymore model railways? No, but I wondered do my own shelf cameos work well at home but lack the impact for exhibition - I’m keen to get out with a layout in the near future and perhaps one needs building with this in mind…? 

Meanwhile on Denton Road some prime 60s real estate is ‘To let’! I’ve added some A3 paper letters to the top floor offices along with those vertical slat blinds I remember from old ICI offices at Macclesfield and Huddersfield works… so even this humble low relief structure tells a story. It’s funny, I didn’t really plan this building, it just emerged through my hands. Comfortably familiar, I can feel the draughts around the windows and the damp smell in the carpet… but a great view of the railway! 

Just a short update this week as the puppy needs a walk and I’ve got a few small jobs to get done before lunchtime - some 16mm GVT open wagons and the Hudson GoGo are in the paint shop. Next week, more 16mm and a concerted start on the Ruston 44/48 bodywork. Lots on for you all, we will have to see what I can find for myself over the weekend… perhaps the last structure for Denton Road alongside some gentle operations on Beaverbrook or Paxton Road? No new books to read, but those Irish title that arrived a week or so ago have only been enjoyed fleetingly so it feels good to consider their company on the sofa. Until next time, as always, more soon…

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  1. Dear James,
    I absolutely love your blog and your model railways. When doing some train based research I stumbled upon a great idea for a mosslander shelf. In the 1990s Cardiff bay station was used to run steam shuttle trains using a DMU trailer still in network south east livery and an industrial steam locomotive and diesel plus some wagons. On a final note I have found 00 kits for portbury, Henbury and the western diesel which used to and still do work along Bristol docks these are on Railway Mania and are currently unavailable but I believe a rerun is planned.

    1. Thanks Ben, I’ve pondered Cardiff Bay as a Mosslanda, but the wall alongside the track and the platform the other side means it’s less attractive than my current Welsh SLT, Wrecsam, which this evening has been hosting a Network Rail 37 with inspection saloon.


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